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Downtown Asheville Duke substation plans draw concern, criticism

Jun 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023

ASHEVILLE - As more development moves into a burgeoning downtown, energy needs accelerate with it, and the fate of a more than 60-year-old Duke Energy substation casts a long shadow on local business owners, environmentalists and neighbors.

Proposed plans to rebuild the aging Rankin Avenue substation on a city-owned parcel across the street from its current location are in the works, raising concerns from city residents and council members alike, decrying the loss of trees as well as the neighborhood's character.

On July 21, the city's Design Review Committee got its first look at potential renderings of the new substation — a vision of a steeply sloped hillside bordered by a concrete retaining wall, 16 feet high at its tallest point, with a 10-foot screen above.

“What you’ve got right here is not going to receive a favorable review from this committee,” said board member Bryan Moffitt.

Moffit's distaste was echoed by several other board members and public commenters, many fearing loss of parking, tree canopy and downtown character.

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Sara Legatski, owner of Honeypot Vintage, a downtown shop near the proposed site, told the Citizen Times she was encouraged to hear businesses and building owners raising their voices.

“I really believe that people are motivated about this because it’s going to affect a lot of people in a lot of different ways," Legatski said. "It’s not a decision to be made lightly.”

The Rankin Avenue substation supports all of the Central Business District, from South French Broad to Biltmore Avenue, according to Jason Walls with Duke Energy. Walls spoke at a July Urban Forestry Commission meeting, where the substation was a focus of conversation.


A roughly 0.3-acre tangle of steel lattice and cables, the substation sits at the rear of the Harrah's Cherokee Center at 72 Rankin Ave.

Across the street at 57 Rankin Ave., is a 0.6-acre city owned parking lot, backed by a steep wooded bank, lush with decades-old trees and vegetation.

Amy Smith, chair of the Urban Forestry Commission, reiterated at the July 5 meeting that this is only a proposed project, but the conversation was brought to her by residents concerned about the loss of trees at the potential site.

In September 2021, Asheville City Council voted on an agreement for Duke to explore a land exchange to rebuild the existing substation across the street, and in return, grant the Duke-owned land next to the event center to the city.

Walls said conversations about the relocation of the substation date back to 2013.

Council member Sage Turner told the Citizen Times that creating greater power in downtown Asheville is a necessity, but with the project in the early "inquisitive" stages, she hopes to find a more attractive solution that doesn't result in the loss of so many trees.

“If there is some way to do a smaller footprint, and protect some of that tree canopy, or at least the healthy hardwood trees, that would be helpful,” Turner said. “I don’t know that we’ll see that drawing, or an alternative, anytime soon."

Though the project itself does not require City Council approval, any land exchange between Duke and the city would require a return to the Planning and Economic Development Committee for review before a final vote by council, said Rachel Taylor, economic development specialist with the city.

Staff originally anticipated bringing the plans to the committee and full council in August, but Taylor said July 25 that they would like more time for plan review and allow the project to go through the scheduled neighborhood meeting before considering taking it through the council process.

Taylor said staff does not currently have a date scheduled for a vote on the land exchange.

Duke Energy has a public neighborhood meeting scheduled for Aug. 11 at Harrah's Cherokee Center, where attendees will have an opportunity for one-on-one conversations with specialists who are knowledgeable about the substation rebuild project.

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At its July 21 meeting, the Design Review Committee was presented renderings from two screen concepts: a metal fabricated opaque fence and steel H-piles with decorative concrete panels.

Two different grading options were also proposed, with one option tying into the existing slope and the other removing the slope entirely.

Plans were presented by substation engineer Brian Lowther and senior project manager Patrick Covil with McAdams.

Committee member Stephen Lee Johnson said they were looking for an approach that has a design attached to it, something the current plan was not satisfying.

He called Lexington Avenue "one of the most creative, unique, artistic, diverse pedestrian streets in the United States," and said the wall systems — which "look like what we would see as sound barriers on the side of interstate” — were missing an opportunity to do something "artistic and playful."

Encouragements to explore a more creative build were echoed by other members of the committee, particularly as the substation is located so near central downtown.

Committee member Ricardo Seijo said the current design reminds him of a "fortress."

"It's just a box with very tall walls, with no design thought whatsoever," he said.

Lowther said Duke would take the feedback and determine next steps.

Walls said the aging infrastructure necessitates the rebuild. The substation is nearing the end of its life, and a new facility will be more efficient and allow Duke to serve growing energy needs and avoid future energy disruptions, he said.

The land exchange could also mean improvements for the Harrah's Cherokee Center, as the current substation complicates potential expansion of the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium and limits the scale of programming available, said Chris Corl, director of the city's Community and Regional Entertainment Facilities.

But for some, that reasoning is far from enough.

Legatski reiterated that the substation could be rebuilt at its current location, and a hypothetical expansion of the civic center was not a good enough excuse for encroaching on a parcel that she fears would negatively impact surrounding business owners.

Her business sits on North Lexington Avenue, just below the proposed site. More than construction and other disruptions, she said the new substation would take a toll on the "overall grand sense of atmosphere for one of the oldest streets in Asheville."

Historic records show a creek ran through what is now Lexington Avenue, called Water Street until around the turn of the 20th century.

Legatski said she's seen the wooden pipes under the street to prove it.

Rows of 1920s brick, two-story shops create an iconic tableau, shaded by street trees, adjacent to the wooded slope that cuts up to Rankin Avenue.

Legatski said downtown shops like hers will suffer for the high-rise developments that are expediating the strain on city infrastructure, and asked that Duke look at alternate options, rather than "tearing down decades-old trees."

“The reality is, it gets to the very core of this … are we just going to continue to build more electrical infrastructure at the cost of trees, when we are facing a global climate challenge?" Legatski said. "Is this the planning and type of tasks that we are truly looking at?”

Scott Fowler, an organizer of Friends of Lexington Avenue, which opposes the substation, said the site at 57 Rankin Ave. is home to one of downtown's largest remaining urban tree canopies.

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Courtney Bloomfield, owner of Shady Grove Flowers, said the stand of trees being threatened were the inspiration behind her store's name. Her business sits at the foot of the slope, cooled and shaded by the lush urban canopy.

"An ugly downtown is not one that's fun to visit," she said.

Smith said for the Urban Forestry Commission, potential tree loss is the group's priority, but other issues brought forward include loss of parking and disruption to businesses.

But potential expansion of the civic center, a longtime conversation, is also a point of importance.

"This is more complex than the trees," she said, and it will come down to the plans themselves, and how it might be possible for Duke to use the site without infringing on the slope.

Ed Macie, another commission member, said of the proposed design, "as expected, all of the trees will be removed."

While he hoped to take a closer look at the impacted trees, he said the city should require Duke to mitigate any potential loss of trees with a "full 100% canopy replacement, even if it's off site and somewhere else in the city."

Other commission members said due to the grade of the slope, any construction happening in the lot stands to impact the trees and earth.

"Our preference is to prevent a loss of mature tree canopy, and enhance anything that is lost with replanting and redesign as necessary," Smith said.

For Pat Whalen, president of Public Interest Projects, Inc, a real estate development company founded in 1991, a vibrant downtown has always been his mission, but he said the relocation of the substation to the 57 Rankin Ave. site would be a "terrible mistake."

He said it's possible for Duke to upgrade where they are, and worries that if a new substation is built on the adjacent lot, it will tank surrounding properties and sacrifice valuable space for other future development.

“It just seems to me it would be a sad thing for North Lexington Avenue and a sad thing for the city and the county,” Whalen said.

“I’m interested in seeing a lot more housing that regular people can afford downtown, but nobody wants to live with their bedroom window 30 feet from a high-tension power station."

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The proposed Rankin Avenue substation is considered a level one project, but will follow a similar process to level two to allow for more input, review and engagement because it is located downtown, said Taylor.

After the permit is submitted, it will be reviewed by a number of city commissions.

"Once all the above steps are completed, the project would revise plans accordingly and enter into the construction permitting process," Taylor said.

Only the real estate transaction will require City Council approval.

It's not the only substation project in the works. Duke still plans to construct a new substation at the intersection of Patton and Clingman avenues, which spokesperson Bill Norton said is "needed to support growth in the area and will still happen."

The project is on hold temporarily, but Norton said customers should see activity in the next couple years.

Other grid improvements and work planned for the near term include:

"The new timetable for the Patton Avenue substation is not yet set, but we will inform the city and local stakeholders once construction nears," Norton said.

Sarah Honosky is the city government reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network. News Tips? Email [email protected] or message on Twitter at @slhonosky.

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